Which of the following is not a presenting symptom of laryngeal cancer?
A) Hemoptysis
B) Ear pain
C) Dysphagia
D) Odynophagia
E) Neck mass
F) All of the above are presenting symptoms
With regards to laryngeal cancer, a "breathy" voice indicates----whereas a "muffled" voice indicates----?
"Breathy" = vocal cord paralysis
"Muffled" = supraglottic lesion
MC Question:
The left recurrent laryngeal loops around----, the right recurrent laryngeal loops around----, after which both run in----.
A) Ligamentum arteriosum, subclavian artery, the tracheoesophageal groove
B) Aorta, subclavian artery, the tracheoesophageal groove
C) Subclavian artery, Ligamentum arteriosum, the tracheoesophageal groove
D) Ligamentum arteriosum, subclavian artery, posterior to the esophagus
E) Subclavian artery, ligamentum arteriosum, posterior to the esophagus
Free Response Questions:
What muscle is the sole abductor of the vocal cords?
Quick Facts:
Unilateral recurrent laryngeal paralysis
-lesion is below superior laryngeal nerve origin
-vocal cord is in paramedian position due to unopposed cricothyroid activity.
-LRLN damage is more common than RRLN damage due to longer course.
-Usually iatrogenic, can also be caused by tumors, aortic aneurysms, Ortner syndrome and trauma.
-presents with dysphonia, weakening with use.