Thursday, January 9, 2014



What is the most common extra-axial malignant neoplasm of the CPA?
A) Astrocytoma 
B) Chordoma 
C) Glomus Jugulare 
D) Chondrosarcoma 
E) Metastases

Mets are the most common extra-axial malignant neoplasm of the CPA.

What is "Meckel's Cave"?

Meckel's Cave, aka trigeminal cave, is an arachnoid pouch w/ CSF in it. It is formed by two layers of dura which are part of an evagination of the tentorium cerebelli near the apex of the petrous part of the temporal bone and envelops CN V. Its boundaries are: the cerebellar tentorium, the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus, the clivus and the posterior petrous face.

MC Questions:
What percentage of vestibular schwannoma patients have neurofibromatosis type 2?
B) 15% 
C) 50% 
D) 85% 
E) 97%

Free Response Question:
The NF2 gene encodes what protein? What is the function of this protein?

Quick Facts:
Clinical Findings
Gardner Subtype:
-early onset
-smaller tumors
-few tumors
-slower growing tumors
-hearing loss related to tumor size
Wishart Subtype:
-Later onset
-Larger tumors
-Multiple tumors
-Faster growing tumors
-Hearing loss not related to tumor size
-Usually present in 20-30s, rarely after 60.
-50% of patients present with hearing loss, it is usually progressive and associated
w/ poor speech discrimination scores.
-10% have tinnitus
-acute vertigo is uncommon due to slow growth pattern
-Skin tumors present in 2/3rds of patient as are Cafe-au-lait spots however there are
fewer than six of these (unlike in NF1)
-Juvenile posterior subcapsular lenticular opacities are common (up to 51%). Some are congenital and can be useful in diagnosis.

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