Wednesday, November 13, 2013



In what disease can Auspitz sign be observed?
C) Contact Dermatitis 
D) Atopic Dermatitis 
E) Psoriasis

Auspitz sign is bleeding on pinpoint areas when skin is scratched and is indicative of psoriasis. Psoriatic lesions can be present on the external ear.

What is the most common neoplasm of the auricle?

Basal Cell Carcinoma is the most common accounting for 45% of auricular neoplasms. It most often presents on the posterior pinna or preauricular region.

MC Questions:
With regards to embryology, Meckel's cartilage leads to formation of the --- whereas Reichert cartilage leads to formation of the---.
A) Stapes Footplate; Sphenomandibular ligament 
B) Long Process of Incus; Stapes Suprastructure
C) Body of Incus; Mandible  
D) Head of Malleus; Manubrium of Malleus

Free Response Question:
All of the muscles of facial expression are innervated on their deep side except for what three exceptions?

Quick Facts:
Jugular Vein Anomalies (Jugular bulb dehiscence):
-sigmoid sinus and inf. petrosal sinus converge at jugular bulb.
-usually surrounded by bone in jugular fossa, but can have congenital dehiscence.
-“High riding” bulb = bulb that rises above the inferior aspect of the bony annulus or the basal round of the cochlea.
-Present in 5% of people, may be related to poor pneumatization of mastoid.
-Can present with tinnitus, vestibular symptoms and CHL (due to compression of middle ear contents)
-Most commonly discovered incidentally on exam.
-Classically a blue mass is seen posteroinferior quadrant of TM.
-At risk of inadvertent laceration during myringotomy.

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