Tuesday, November 26, 2013



How long of a delay should there be before a "second look" procedure is performed on a canal wall up mastoidectomy?
A) 1 month 
B) 3-5 Months 
C) 6 Months 
D) 8-12 Months 
E) 1-2 years 
F) Whenever is convenient for the patient.

"second look" procedures are often performed 8-12 months after the initial surgery. Any ossicular chain reconstruction is often delayed until this time to prevent adhesion formation around the reconstruction which can affect hearing results.

What is the rate of recurrence/residual cholesteatoma after surgery?

Recurrence/residual rates vary but they can be estimated to be as high as 40% after 5 years.

MC Questions:
What region is the most common area for otosclerosis to begin?
A) Anterior border of round window 
B) Fissula Ante Fenestram 
D) Posterior border of oval window

Free Response Question:
What is the "paracusis of Willis"?

Quick Facts:
Signs and Symptoms of otosclerosis
-Hx of slowly progressive hearing loss usually bilateral and asymmetric. (30%
-Improved hearing w/ background noise (paracusis of Willis)-Tinnitus
is common, indicates sensorineural degeneration.
-Vertigo rare
Physical Exam
-Otoscopic exam excludes other CHL causes (cholesteatoma, tympanosclerosis, middle ear effusion/mass)
-In otosclerosis, ™ is normal, middle ear is pneumatized and malleus should
-Active disease may show “Schwartze sign” = reddish blush over promontory and oval window niche due to prominent vascularity associated w/ otospongiotic 
-Weber should lateralize to ear most affected. Rinne should by negative.

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