Bjork flaps are contraindicated in pediatric tracheostomies because of higher rates of what complication?
A) Tracheoinnominate fistula
B) Tracheal Stenosis
C) Trach tube displacement
D) Pneumomediastium
E) None of the above
In adults one has the option to use a Bjork flap as it reduces incidence of accidental decannulation and makes reinsertion easier however in children, Bjork flaps are contraindicated due to high rates of tracheal stenosis and persistent tracheocutaneous fistulas.
The Combitube is contraindicated in what group?
The Combitube device is large so it is contraindicated in children or small individuals.
MC Question:
The benefits of percutaneous tracheostomy compared to traditional open tracheostomy include all of the following except.
A) Shorter operative time
B) Less expensive
C) Can be done bedside
D) Easier in obese patients
E) None of the above
F) All of the above
Free Response Question:
What is the difference between tracheotomy and tracheostomy?
Quick Facts:
Complications of Tracheostomy
-subQ emphysema
-pneumothorax (caused by progressive pneumomediastinum).
-tracheoesophageal fistula can occur if trach incision is too deep.
-RLN damage can occur during the procedure.
-tube displacement
-tracheal innominate fistula
-tracheal stenosis