What is the most common cause of stridor in the pediatric population?
A) Croup
B) Foreign Body
C) Laryngomalacia
D) Epiglottitis
Laryngomalacia is the most common cause of stridor (60%). In this case stridor is due to prolapse of supraglottic structures into laryngeal inlet on inspiration.
What is the difference between stridor and stertor?
Stridor = harsh noise produced by turbulent airflow through partially obstructed airway.
What is the difference between stridor and stertor?
Stridor = harsh noise produced by turbulent airflow through partially obstructed airway.
-can be respiratory(supraglottis/glottis)/expiratory (trachea) or both (biphasic/ from subglottis)
-usually of laryngeal origin.
-Stertor = airway noise originating in the nose/nasopharynx or oropharynx.
MC Question:
All of the following present with a normal cry except. A) Laryngomalacia
B) Congenital Laryngeal Webs
C) Subglottic Hemangiomas
D) Juvenile onset papillomatosis
E) A and C
F) B and D
G) B and C
Free Response Questions:
In patients with laryngomalacia, what is the typical appearance on endoscopy?
Quick Facts:
Subglottic Stenosis
Subglottic Stenosis
-Cricoid is only complete cartilaginous ring and is smallest portion of airway in kids
-Airflow in tube is proportional to radius to the fourth so small changes make a big difference.
-Myer Cotton grading system is used to describe severity:
-measure largest ETT possible and compare to age appropriate tube.
-Grade I = 50%
-Grade II = 50-70%
-Grade III = 70-99%
-Grade IV = no detectable lumen
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