Thursday, October 10, 2013



All of the following are major causes of SNHL except?
A) Meniere's
B) Acoustic Trauma
C) Presbycusis
D) Osteomas
E) Ototoxicity
F) Noise Exposure

Osteomas are a cause of CHL whereas the rest are causes of SNHL.

What is the most common treatment for SNHL?

-Hearing aids.  Other treatment options are disease specific such as patching of perilymphatic fistulas, excision of acoustic neuromas or steroid therapy for sudden onset idiopathic hearing loss.  However, hearing aids are by far the most common treatment for SNHL.

MC Questions:
All of the following are common genetic causes of hearing loss except...
A) Usher's Syndrome
B) Alport's Syndrome
C) Waardenburg's Syndrome
D) Connexin 26 mutations
E) 2 of the above
F) All of the above

Free Response Question:
Name four risk factors for neonatal hearing impairment.

Quick Facts:

Hearing Milestones:
-3 months = startled by loud noise/calmed by familiar voice
-6 months = localize sounds
-9 months = respond to name, mimic environmental sounds
-18 months = react to sounds form any direction, follow commands
Speech Milestones:
-1 yr = first word
-2 yrs = vocab of 20 words

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