Wednesday, October 16, 2013



Which of the following is not one of the components in a typical hearing aid?
A) Receiver
B) Volume Control 
C) Battery
D) Amplifier 
E) Converter 
F) Microphone

The five components of a hearing aid is a microphone, amplifier, receiver, volume control and battery.

-Saturation sounds pressure level 
-Acoustic Gain 
-Output Limiting 
-Frequency Gain Response

-Saturation Sound Pressure Level = maximum amount of sound pressure output a hearing aid can make. 
-Acoustic Gain = difference in output relative to input of a hearing aid. 
-Output limiting = maximum intensity of amplified signal. 
-Frequency Gain response = amount of gain as a function of frequency.

MC Questions:
Which of the follow is not an advantage of completely in the canal hearing aids?
A) Barely noticeable 
B) Less occlusion effect 
C) Less feedback with jaw movement 
D) Easier to use with telephones 
E) Less wind-noise problem

Free Response Question:
What are two ways hearing aids can be stopped from amplifying sound to an uncomfortable level.

Quick Facts:

Causes of " VERTIGO "
  • Vascular
  • Epilepsy
  • Rx with antihypertensives, tranquilisers and quinine
  • Tumor (acoustic neuroma), Trauma, Thyroid (hypothyroidism)
  • Infection (vestibular neuronitis)
  • Glial disease (multiple sclerosis)
  • Ocular

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