Tuesday, November 12, 2013



What is the most common organism responsible for otomycosis?
A) Aspergillus 
B) Candida 
C) Tinea 
D) Coccidio 
E) Pseudomonas

Aspergillus is the most common organism (80%) to cause otomycosis. Candida is the second most common organism.

What is the classic finding for malignant otitis externa on physical exam?

Granulation tissue on the EAC floor at the osteocartilaginous junction.

MC Questions:
In what disease can Auspitz sign be observed?
C) Contact Dermatitis 
D) Atopic Dermatitis 
E) Psoriasis

Free Response Question:
What is the most common neoplasm of the auricle?

Quick Facts:
Melanoma of External Ear:
-10 yr survival rate of 70%.
-Most present on helix.
-Initially painless but lesion often changes in size, ulceration/bleeding.
-Do thorough H&N exam for possible mets.
-Dx on biopsy. Must do metastatic eval (CXR, LFT, possible CT/MRI/radionuclide bone scans)
-Stage using AJCC guidelines.
-DDx includes benign lesions/BCCA/SCCA.
-Can use RTX palliatively
-Surgical resection dependent on histo/stage.
-Management of regional lymphatics is controversial. Sentinel lymph node biopsy is well accepted for N0 lesions w/ >1mm depth.
-Prevent by avoiding sun exposure.

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