Wednesday, December 18, 2013



Vestibular suppressant are useful in treating the symptoms of vestibular neuronitis, however pts are advised to discontinue the use of these medications as soon as tolerable. Why?
A) Use of these drugs decrease central compensation 
B) These medications can become addicting 
C) Use of these medications has undesirable side effects 
D) Use of these medications can make symptoms worse 
E) More than one of the above are true

Use of vestibular suppressants and anti emetics over a prolonged period can decrease central vestibular compensation.

Describe the location and significance of "Donaldson's Line".

The vestibular sac is located inferior to the imaginary line “Donaldson line”. This imaginary line is drawn posteriorly from the course of the horizontal semicircular canal. The line should course perpendicular to that of the posterior semicircular canal.

MC Questions:
A patient is found to have low frequency CHL and stapedius reflexes that are present. What clinical findings would support the most likely diagnosis?
A) + Fukuda test 
B) Vertical Nystagmus 
C) Tullio Phenomenon 
D) Hennebert Sign 
E) More than one of the above is correct

Free Response Question:
What is "Alexander's Law"?

Quick Facts:
Branches of External Carotid 
-Superior Thyroid 
- Ascending Pharyngeal 
- Lingual 
- Facial 
- Occipital 
- Posterior Auricular 
- (internal) maxillary 
- Superficial temporal

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